Who We Are |
The National Advocacy Center (NAC) is the voice and lobbying arm of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd religious community, its agency Partners-in-Mission, their staff members and clients across the country. NAC empowers and is the voice for those on the margin of society and works to lessen their burdens through policy.
Staff & Committee
We introduce to you our National Advocacy Center staff and our Advisory Committee Members.
Good Shepherd Agencies
The National Advocacy Center connects with Good Shepherd agencies (Partners-in-Mission) across the United States to advocate for policies benefiting their clients.
AboutLearn about the mission and priorities that guide the National Advocacy Center.
SistersFind out about the Sisters of the Good Shepherd who founded the National Advocacy Center and its charism.
Of Note
Read about our recent activities and actions for justice through press releases, as well as news items of interest.
"I belong to every nation where there are persons needing to know God's saving love and friendship."
~ Saint Mary Euphrasia "We are missionaries of mercy, sent by the father of mercy, to distribute the treasures of mercy to those in need."
~ Saint John Eudes "I did not possess riches, talents or any exterior attraction, but I always loved and I loved with all the strength of my soul."
~ Saint Mary Euphrasia "What are we doing in this world, and why are we here, if not to help our neighbors."
~ Saint Mary Euphrasia "He wants His breath to be in your breath, His heart in your heart, and His soul in your soul."
~ Saint John Eudes "Do not listen to or say anything that can harm the reputation of others. Condemn no one. Defend the absent." ~ Saint Mary Euphrasia |